
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]Renterval provides true e-commerce solutions for local rental businesses of any size. users instantly create a desktop and mobile version of an online store, and their customers can easily browse inventory and see availability in real time.

Renterval exists to serve the needs of our customers. Renterval helps rental businesses of any size and any product find new clients, improve their customer service and grow sales. With an elegant user interface and powerful backend software system tailored to the specific needs of rental businesses, provides the premier online rental application.

[/vc_column_text][vc_separator][vc_column_text]It is a complete Retail and E-commerce platform.  Most common features are included here


  • In-store location-based inventory.
  • Product variants.
  • Variant-specific quantity management.
  • Administrator settings e.g Tags manager, Menu manager, Tree structure Category Manager.
  • Role-based users management & and multiple users access based on roles.
  • Cart Connect and others Payment Gateway integration.
  • Cart Connect Bolt – Cart swipe tools integration.
  • Reservation Module
  • Reporting


Technology Used

  1. PHP / MySql
  2. Cakephp2
  4. Paypal
  5. Card connect
  6. Bolt Card swipe
  7. Twilio SMS integration
  8. Wildcard domains

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